After a week of even less sleep and more three-year-olds than any sane man should ever have to deal with, VBS is finally over. For those not acquainted with this age-old tradition, VBS is Vacation Bible School, a week-long festival/training for elementary kids, to teach them about Christ and draw them, and their families, into the church. This year the theme was PandaMania, heavy on both the pandas and the mania. The design crew created an incredible set, the songs were lots of fun, and everything down to the snacks fit with the overall theme. I remember how much fun it was when I was a kid, but I don't remember it being so much work.
My department was the three and four year olds. This means that my wonderful, patient crew and I got to share the Word with twenty little ones who have a hard enough time just watching me talk for more than five minutes. And the answer to every theological question is something like, "I have a bunk bed," or "my hamster eats lettuce," or "I have a bicycle but it's too little for me so I don't have a bicycle anymore." It requires the utmost concentration and grace just to get through a lesson. Basically, the number one rule and our salvation is K.I.M. - Keep It Moving. Don't let the fun stop even for a second.
Still, despite the exhausting hours and the barrage of fast food, we did get to spend time with twenty amazingly cute little kids and share our faith with them, and while I don't think they understood half of what we were talking about, I do think they might have understood one tenth, and that might just be the seed that grows into something beautiful later on. So, thanks to the entire church crew, and especially the preschool helpers for making this year's VBS so much fun!
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